Organising and soft skills -

Organising and soft skills

Soft skills help to develop democratic and inclusive forms of organisation and decision-making. A key part of these is open discussions, which require us to learn to listen well to each other, to communicate without violence and unnecessary conflict, or to make consensual decisions.
Quality democratic debate requires that we develop our communication skills and respect for others.
It makes little sense for emancipatory initiatives and organisations to adopt various elements from an environment that generates authoritarianism and social exclusion. Their aim should be to create relationships that allow for no such thing, an environment that is as democratic and inclusive as possible. Soft skills can help us to communicate, make decisions and organise ourselves better in this environment. To be able to avoid conflicts, burnout and people leaving, which weaken the movement. That is why we put together a workshop with the ÚRMC to address these. The answers to many of the questions we encountered and talked about can be found in our publication Soft Skills and Emancipatory Movements. In it you will learn, among other things, how to reach out to new members or how to find allies.
Translated by Not edited.