what is discrimination - roots.utopia.sk

What is discrimination?

One of the main topics we dealt with during the project was discrimination. But what does it mean? What forms of discrimination do we know, when do we encounter it and how do we defend ourselves against it? If we want to fight discrimination successfully, it is essential that we know how to recognise it. This may not be as easy as it first appears. Perhaps the simplest definition tells us that discrimination is the unequal treatment of people on the basis of their characteristics, that is, who they are. We can encounter it in many different contexts - at work, in access to public services and so on. Some forms are indirect and somewhat more difficult to identify.

Discrimination expert Janka Debrecéniová discusses privilege and discrimination with workshop participants.
Together with the Union of Roma Maternity Centres we have prepared a workshop on different forms of discrimination. The workshop was led by Janka Debrecéniová from the Association Citizen, Democracy and Responsibility, who has been systematically working on the topic of discrimination. From the definition and concrete examples of discrimination, we moved on to exercises and games that illustrated what privileges are and how we can confront discrimination in different situations. Finally, we discussed who people facing discrimination can turn to. You can find answers to the various questions we addressed during the workshop in our publication What is Discrimination?
Translated by deepl.com. Not edited.