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The life without discrimination – how to proceed?
Conference invitation
Associations Utopia and Únia rómskych materských centier would like to invite you to the conference The life without discrimination – how to proceed?, which will take place on the 26th of April 2024 from 10:30 to 14:30 in Banská Bystrica in Penzión Boca, Dolná 52.

You can also speak Romani in Oslo
Working visit to Norwegian partnersIn April 2024, representatives of the Union of Roma Maternity Centres and the Utopia Association jointly embarked on a working trip to Oslo, the capital of Norway. The main aim of the visit was to exchange experiences with our Norwegian partners Selvhjelp for Innvandrere og Flyktninger/Self Help for Migrants and Refugees (SEIF).

Participatory Democracy School or how to set up a project together
Together with young people from Detva, we have developed several proposals for projects, which we will implement together.

Our way. Looking back at the project
We have come a long way together. What has it brought us and what have we learned together?
How to proceed
At the final conference, we asked ourselves how we could help grassroots organisations to develop more intensively.

Politics concerns us
Ideas of what politics is are often reduced to professional politicians and their activities. However, the political sphere does not stop at the gates of public institutions.

Said and written about us
Information about the project, its objectives and activities also appeared in some media.

The solidarity economy as a tool for emancipation
Economic thinking is usually associated with terms such as competition, efficiency, profitability or discipline. This form of imagination has led us into several crises that are intertwined and threaten our very survival.

Publications for grassroot organisations
We have prepared five publications that are intended for grassroot organisations. They deal with the topics that we addressed during the project.

Folklorist, feminist, activist. Maryša. (Portrait of Marie Oláhová.)
Marie Oláhová, better known to all as Maryša, has been fighting against discrimination and social exclusion for decades. She is the founder of the Union of Roma Maternity Centres (ÚRMC), a self-help women's network that strives for the emancipation of Roma women. We followed her in the activities she organizes together with other women from ÚRMC or outside the network, and in our joint conversations we also revisited her activist past.

I couldn't leave it like that
Marie Oláhová is the founder of the Union of Roma Maternity Centres. How she came to found the Union, what her mission is, what motivates her work and much more can be found in the interview in which we tried to map her long activist career.

What is discrimination?
One of the main topics we dealt with during the project was discrimination. But what does it mean? What forms of discrimination do we know, when do we encounter it and how do we defend ourselves against it?

Gender equality and gender-based violence
Emancipatory struggles are also struggles for gender equality and against gender-based violence.

Workshops, workshops, workshops
Workshops or trainings have been part of the work of the URMC for many years. They are a very useful tool in the effort to "uplift the Roma woman", which is the Union's main goal.
Organising and soft skills
Soft skills help to develop democratic and inclusive forms of organisation and decision-making.

The ones we've been waiting for (Part 2)
Report on the ÚRMC
Part 2 of the reportage about the ÚRMC, its activists and activities.

In the footsteps of the social and solidarity economy in Prague
Report from the working visit
In November 2022, together with the activists of ÚRMC, we went on a working trip to Prague, where we visited several enterprises that are part of the social and solidarity economy.
Public events as a path to mutual understanding
The Union of Roma Maternity Centres regularly organises public events to present its activities to the wider public.

Together for life without discrimination
Conference invitation
Associations Utopia a Únia rómskych materských centier would like to invite you to the conference Together for life without discrimination, which will take place on the 24th of March 2022 from 11:00 to 15:00 in Banská Bystrica in Hotel Arcade at Námestie SNP no. 5.

International Roma Day
The Union of Roma Maternity Centres invites you to the celebration of the International Roma Day, which will take place on the 9th of April 2022 from 10:00 to 22:00 in Poltár.
The ones we've been waiting for
(Part 1)
Report on the ÚRMC
Peter Vittek and Eva Riečanská from the association Utopia in 2020 have published a report that describes in detail the beginnings and activities of the Union of Roma Maternity Centres. The text was the result of many conversations and several years of cooperation between Utopia and the URMC. It gives us a glimpse into the world of Roma women activists in their efforts to "uplift the Roma woman".